Memorise a report

When you memorise a report, it allows you to save it with its current customisation settings.

  1. Open the report you want to memorise.
  2. (Optional) To change what's in the report, click Customise.
  3. When ready, click Save Customisations.
  4. Give the report a descriptive name.
  5. Decide whether to add the report to a group.
  6. Decide whether to share a copy of the report with all users in your company.
  7. Click OK.

The memorised report appears on the My Custom Reports list.

If you change the customisation on a memorised report, you need to memorise it again to save the changes.

Note: You can't memorise a report if you are a "Time Tracking only" user.

What happens if I run and memorise again a report that I've already memorised before?

QuickBooks creates a new memorised report (it does not overwrite the memorised report that already exists). You must choose a new name for the memorised report. If you want to use the name of a memorised report that already exists, you can replace the report that uses that name when prompted, or delete that memorised report first.

See also

Delete a memorised report

Find a memorised report

Run a memorised report