What is the Audit Log?

The Audit Log contains a list of all the changes that have ever been made to your company data and by whom.

By default, the Audit Log displays only the 200 most recent events, but it's easy to see previous ones. Dates and times in the Audit Log and Audit History reflect when events occurred, displayed in your local time.

Use the Audit Log

To open the Audit Log, click the Gear icon > Audit Log, or click Reports > All Reports > Business Overview > Audit Log.

There are several ways to view the Audit Log:

To print the current view of the Audit Log (except that the History column doesn't print), click Print. For best results, select Landscape orientation from your browser's Print dialog box.

Audit a transaction

To see a detailed history of changes to a transaction:

  1. Click View from the History column.
  2. From the Audit History page, click the expand arrow at the left of the event line you want to examine.

    Changes that were made are shown in orange text.

View the history of list items

Some events are not transactions (perhaps they are actions taken on vendors or employee). For these types of events, you can click View to see the history, but you can't audit exactly what data changed.

If you see nothing in the History column, this is the type of event that has no history. This could be a login or logout event, a setting changed, or so on. To more conveniently monitor when these types of events happened, you can filter the Audit Log to show only certain types of events. How?

How does that work?

On the QuickBooks servers, the events are recorded in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). When the times are displayed to you in the Audit Log and Audit History, software on your computer interprets the GMT time and changes it to reflect your time zone.