Limit (filter) transactions in a register

You can use the Filter icon to filter which transactions appear in a register with the following Filter fields:

Filter a register

  1. In the navigation bar, click Transactions > Chart of Accounts (or Accounting > Chart of Accounts depending on what you see).

  2. Find the account you want and click its View register link in the Action column.
  3. Click the Filter icon at the upper left of the register.
  4. Enter your filter criteria.
  5. Click Apply. The transactions in the register that match your target display by order of date.
  6. If the transactions that match your target don't fit on one page, additional pages are added for the older transactions. Navigate to these pages using the links at the bottom of the register window.

Edit your filter criteria

In the Filter window, after you click the Apply button, your filter criteria appear above the register to the right of the Filter icon. If no transactions exactly match what you entered, you can edit your filter criteria or start over.

See also

Find a transaction in a register

Sort a register