Resolve the difference in a matched transaction

There may be times when a bank item amount doesn’t quite match the amount in a transaction you entered. Maybe you had to pay a small fee to process a sales transaction, or perhaps you received a discount for paying a bill early.

When you go to the Banking page to match the transaction and bank item, the amounts don’t quite add up, yet they’re the same transaction. You can enter an adjustment to resolve the difference.

To enter an adjustment to resolve the difference in a match:

  1. On the Banking page, find an item with an amount that doesn’t match with the transaction you entered for it.
  2. Select the item, and once the row expands, click Find Match.
  3. In the MatchTtransactions page, select the transaction to match. If you don’t see it, enter search criteria above the table to find it.
  4. Once you select the transaction, scroll to the bottom of the table and click Resolve difference on the right.
  5. Click Add new expense for money spent; click Add new deposit for money received. A second table appears. (You might need to scroll down the page to see it.)
  6. Complete the fields in the table to add the adjustment.
  7. Click Save when you’re through.

QuickBooks matches the transaction, bank item, and adjustment and moves it to the In QuickBooks tab on the Banking page.

See also

Find matching transactions

Match downloaded items to QuickBooks transactions

Match to multiple transactions