Print or export a register

In each register, the Print list and Export to Excel icons are on the upper right of the register next to the Gear icon.

Print a register

  1. In the navigation bar, click Transactions > Chart of Accounts (or Accounting > Chart of Accounts depending on what you see).

  2. Click View register of the account you want to print.
  3. On the upper right of the register, hover over the icons next to the Gear icon.
  4. Click the Print list icon.
  5. Complete the steps in the Print window to finish printing.

You can customize what you print or export by filtering, sorting, or customizing the view of your register.

Export a register to Excel

  1. In the navigation bar, click Transactions > Chart of Accounts (or Accounting > Chart of Accounts depending on what you see).

  2. Click View register of the account you want to export.
  3. On the upper right of the register, hover over the icons next to the Gear icon.
  4. Click the Export to Excel icon.

QuickBooks downloads a file named "Register" to the Downloads folder on your computer.

If you export additional registers without moving the first downloaded file out of the Downloads folder, QuickBooks numbers the additional filenames Register (1), Register (2), and so on.